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Vi tilbyder mandskabsløsninger
Hvem er SEAMAR Scandinavia A/S …
SEAMAR Scandinavia A/S tilbyder en bred vifte af ydelser og mandskab til marine- og offshoreindustrien, bygge- og anlægsbranchen og inden for industriel produktion.

Vi er dedikeret til at give vores kunder professionelle og skræddersyede tjenester og nøglefærdige løsninger, der altid er i overensstemmelse med branchens standarder og krav. For at opnå dette arbejder vi sammen med partnere og virksomheder, som både forbedrer og udvider vores tjenester. Vi har et alsidigt team af højtuddannede medarbejdere, der er klar til at hjælpe dig gennem alle faser af dit projekt. SEAMAR Scandinavia A/S tilbyder højkvalitets og omkostningseffektive løsninger, support og konsulenttjenester.

Vi udlejer medarbejdere med følgende kompetencer:

Mio. kr. i omsætning i 2023/2024
Afsluttede opgaver i 2024
Medarbejdere til udlejning
års erfaring med mandskabsudlejning
Mandskabstimer udlejet i 2023/2024
dine fordele som kunde
vi er specialister, der leverer

Vi går den ekstra mil for at levere dig en kvalitetsservice, der stemmer overens med dine ønsker og krav til rekruttering af vikarer. Vi prioriterer altid hurtig og effektiv service, så din virksomhed aldrig skal gå uden mandskab længere end højest nødvendig.
Når du samarbejder med os, har du kontakt med et firma, der søger at være det allerbedste til mandskabsløsninger. Det er MEGET vigtigt for os at levere et unikt match, hvilket vi gør med respekt og professionalisme.
Vi er samtidig et firma, som til stadighed vil gøre alt for at imødekomme dine specifikke krav. Udlejning af mandskab skal defineres ved fleksibilitet, og det er derfor vores holdning, at din virksomheds særlige behov er det vigtigste.

seamar scandinavia A/S
vores vision
SEAMAR Scandinavia A/S er nationalt og internationalt anerkendt som et firma, der leverer fleksible mandskabsløsninger, samtidig med at der ydes ekstraordinære tjenester for at forbedre vores kunders succes og rentabilitet. Vi er forpligtet til at levere det højeste niveau af professionalisme, service og kvalitetshåndværk.
RING 24/7
+45 98441744
hvem står bag?

SEAMAR Scandinavia A/S blev startet af Claus Rask Boddum og Jesper Mariegaard med hovedkontor i Hirtshals. Vi har som virksomhed specialiseret os i mandskabsløsninger og har stor erfaring med at matche virksomheder med kompetente medarbejdere inden for marine, on- og offshore, industriel produktion og bygge- og anlægsbranchen.
Vores succes afhænger i høj grad af vores kompetente medarbejderes arbejdsindsats, og vi forsøger altid at tiltrække nye – og motivere og fastholde eksisterende medarbejdere.

Privacy Preferences
Privacy Policy for www.seamar.dk

At Seamar, we prioritize your privacy and are committed to ensuring that your personal information is protected. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and protect your personal information when you visit our website www.seamar.dk. Specifically, we would like to clarify that we do not use any first-party cookies. All cookies used on our website are provided by third-party plugins. Please read this policy carefully to understand our practices regarding your personal data.

1. Information We Collect
We do not directly collect personal data through cookies. However, third-party plugins integrated into our website may collect certain personal information, such as:

Technical Data: IP address, browser type, location, time zone, operating system, and device type.
Usage Data: Information regarding your interaction with our website, including the pages you visit, how long you stay on them, and the links you click.
Marketing Data: Information collected by third-party plugins used for marketing purposes.
These data types may be collected automatically through cookies placed by third-party services.

2. Third-Party Cookies
Our website uses cookies only from third-party plugins. These plugins may collect data for purposes such as analytics, marketing, and improving website functionality. The primary third-party services that may use cookies on our website include, but are not limited to:

Google Analytics: Used for website analytics to understand user interaction and improve site performance.
Social Media Integrations: Plugins from platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram may place cookies to enhance your experience or track interactions.
We do not have direct control over the cookies set by these third parties and recommend that you review their respective privacy policies for further information on how they handle your data.

3. Purpose of Third-Party Cookies
The third-party cookies on our website serve the following purposes:

Analytics: To gather insights on website traffic, user interactions, and improve the user experience.
Marketing and Advertising: To deliver personalized ads based on your browsing behavior and preferences, as well as to track the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.
Functional Enhancements: To provide additional features or functionality (e.g., social media sharing options, embedded content).
4. Cookie Consent and Management
When you visit our website, you will be prompted to give consent to the use of third-party cookies. You can choose to accept or decline cookies through our cookie banner, and you have the option to modify your consent preferences at any time.

You can also manage or disable cookies directly through your browser settings. Please note that disabling certain third-party cookies may affect the functionality of some features on our website.

5. Data Retention
We do not store any personal data collected through cookies ourselves. All data retention is handled by the third-party service providers that set the cookies. We encourage you to review their privacy policies to understand their data retention practices.

6. Your Data Protection Rights
Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the following rights:

Right to Access: You have the right to request copies of your personal data collected by third parties through cookies.
Right to Rectification: You can request corrections of any inaccurate or incomplete data.
Right to Erasure: In certain circumstances, you can request the deletion of personal data collected by third-party cookies.
Right to Restriction of Processing: You can request the restriction of processing of your personal data in certain cases.
Right to Object: You can object to the use of cookies for certain purposes, such as marketing or analytics.
For further details on how to exercise these rights, please contact the relevant third-party service provider directly or contact us for assistance.

7. Data Security
Although we do not directly handle personal data through cookies, we ensure that the third-party service providers we work with adhere to GDPR requirements and implement appropriate security measures to protect your personal information.

8. Changes to This Privacy Policy
We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our use of third-party cookies or legal requirements. Any changes will be posted on this page with an updated effective date. We encourage you to review this policy periodically.

9. Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our use of third-party cookies, please contact us:

Email: info@seamar.dk

We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that the use of cookies on our website complies with applicable laws and regulations.